May 10, 2017

Arthur Holm partner Tricom Media at KOBA, 16th -19th May. Come visit booth A211!


Tricom Media will participate in the 27th edition of the upcoming KOBA Show. The show started in 1991, and since then it’s become an important event in Asia, (co-organised by the Korean Broadcasting Engineers & Technicians Association) presenting solutions and services connected with the audio, visual and lighting industries.

The show’s global theme is “Convergence”, and addresses the need to create dynamic and innovative solutions for a market that demands smart concepts, product flexibility and sustainability. The Arthur Holm product selection that Tricom Media will present combine all these elements. The Dynamic2, Dynamic3 and the DynamicTalk solutions will be showcased, so please pass by the stand to see them in action!

Below is the Tricom Media booth at KOBA 2016.

KOBA 2016
KOBA is at COEX Korea Exhibition Centre, Seoul, Korea
16th-19th May, open from 10:00 until 17:00

If you are in Seoul during these dates, you can register for the show here:

For more information on Tricom Media follow this link:


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