July 22, 2016

Arthur Holm will demonstrate DynamicShare at Tecnomultimedia in Mexico from the 10th to the 12th of August


For the first time in Mexico, Arthur Holm will show DynamicShare, a FULL HD wired signal distribution and selection solution, embedded into its own retractable monitor.

DynamicShare, Arthur Holm’s signal distribution and selection Full HD system, will be demonstrated for the first time in Mexico, during the Tecnomultimedia exhibition, at booth 851-852. Don’t miss the opportunity of a live demonstration and book your appointment now.

DynamicShare_on ndp s
DynamicShare is a system that allows users in a meeting room to share different video sources among each other without requiring technical knowledge or assistance. It is a software free and wireless free share system that provides a high level of security.

The meeting or conference table can stand alone, without the need to integrate external devices.

DynamicShare is a solution to optimise both cabling and installation inside a conference or meeting table, allowing the signal to be distributed and shared through an HDMI loop (that also embeds the control protocols of the monitors). It is available in 3 versions: DynamicShare standard for the signal distribution, selection and control, and DynamicLoop for the signal distribution only. There is also a stand-alone device for third party monitors and video display solutions.

DynamicLoop ndp s
DynamicLoop: DynamicLoop can be integrated into any Arthur Holm Dynamic (*) monitor allowing the daisy chain of the HDMI signal. This board is internally integrated so no additional power supplies are needed. The loop doesn’t need to be closed . A Maximum of 15 units can be daisy chained at Full HD resolution, 20 units at 720p resolution. The maximum distance between monitors is 5 meters.

Please come to visit our booth. We would be delighted to assist you with your project.


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