The Van continues its tour of Europe and the last couple of weeks was in the UK. Who better than to drive “on the road” in Britain but CUK-Audio. Weathering some typically grey and overcast days was no problem for the new improved van, and after visiting two countries and numerous companies the tour concluded at an exciting AV event in Glasgow, Scotland.
The Van garnered some new admirers along the way with its slinky new interior and measurements! It boasts an impressive length of almost 7 metres and width of almost 2 metres which mean a comfortable wider aisle capacity. The overall interior is stylishly furnished with durable woven neutral coloured fabric and floor tiles, and faux leather table tops which demonstrate the perfect furniture integration that Arthur Holm is known for.
The added space coupled with spot lighting creates a much better space for product demonstrations, ample room and better light.
Important to stock up on the beverages!
There is also an air conditioner on-board, though this was probably turned off for the vast majority of the time in the UK!
The product demonstrations were very hands-on and informative as you would expect from CUK-Audio, and the tour visited a variety of some of the leading experts in AV design, support, manufacture and collaboration.
The iconic chocolate treat “Tunnock’s Tea Cakes” make a welcome appearance in the Van in Scotland
All in all, a very successful Tour, and thanks to CUK-Audio!
The Van left the UK and headed south across “La Manche” to France, where it has just ended after a week of visiting some of the movers and shakers in the AV world in France. La Tour de France recap to follow…
On the road 2017 continues next week with the Van heading to Poland…
Keep on truckin’!